7 Things Science Can't Explain

7 Things Science Can't Explain

7 Things Science Can't Explain, Bhai Loog, things science cant explain, facts about science

The most common idea about science is that it knows everything. Science has answer to everything but its not true. In this post we are going to discuss 7 Things that Science Can't Explain or we can say has not explained yet. The most interesting one is number 4 and I think you will be amazed to see that. So, Let's Jump Into It.

No. 1: How Did The Life Begin?

How did the life begin on Earth? Science has no idea how did it all started or in other words they are unable to prove it. Most of the scientist suggest a primordial soup, the theory states that when energy, in the form of lightning for example, was added to Earth's early atmosphere, the basic building blocks of life were created. These building blocks collected in certain areas, like along the shoreline of oceans, creating a soup of organic matter that eventually evolved into early forms of life. 
Yet there are not enough evidence to prove this theory. Scientist do have theories suggesting how starting from virus to bacteria, unicellular organisms then complex human beings. Science is still clueless about how the first DNA or RNA was generated.
Some scientist believe that the life on Earth is result of meteor or comet from space. And yet they don't have enough evidence to prove it.

No. 2: Egyptian Pyramids.

How Egyptian pyramids were built? Many scientist still try to explain how the pyramids of Egypt were actually built. Till this time no one has proved how these giants figures were built, where all the researchers could agree upon. In this time of the era still its nearly impossible to built pyramids of such scale with this accuracy. 
These pyramids were build even before the invention of wheel. The stones used in the pyramids are not to be found anywhere near the location, its still a mystery how the bulky stones were transferred from some far place, and then placed on top of each other with such accuracy, is a mystery still which needs to be unfold.

No. 3: Planets in the Solar System.

Science can't tell how many planets actually are in our Solar System. Its shock to know that we still don't have the exact number of planets that are revolving around the Sun. Well first we need to understand what are planets. There are different categories of “planet” such as a major planet (Earth/Jupiter), dwarf planet (Pluto/Ceres), and minor planet (asteroids/comets). So, technically speaking, there are plenty of undiscovered planets out there since there are still loads of undiscovered asteroids and comets. 
This question is difficult to answer because we don't exactly know how many planets are revolving around the Sun due to its gravitational force as we don't know where the it ends.

No. 4: Why do we sleep?

Well yes, the science isn't really sure why we sleep. This ads up to another question science can't explain. Well we can't say science doesn't know anything about it. Scientist know what happens when we sleep, what chemicals are released in our body which aren't released when we are awake. Science also explains when we dream or what happens when we dream. Science also knows how are body comes to know when we need sleep and when to be awake. Well all this and still science can't explain we sleep. The interesting thing is that our brain works exactly same when we are sleep versus when we are wake

No. 5: How Bicycle works?

Yup, you read it correct, science can't explain how a two wheeled cycle works yet we say 'as easy as riding a bicycle'. We know that how a person sitting on it uses its feet to move the peddles and then it results in the movement of the bicycle and the person on it is credited with balancing it.
But what about a bicycle with no person on it. How would you explain that?
Science can't explain how a bicycle balances itself on two wheels and moves until it slows down and topples off, yet after a century we don't 100% understand how it works. Number of theories have been proposed and then proved wrong after some time making it a question yet to be explained by science.

No. 6: How many species are there in the world?

While being in the 21st century science can't tell how many species are there in the wide world. Simple explanation to it will be that there are many many species of living organisms. Yet to this date scientists have discovered 8.7 million species and still many remain unknown. Scientists estimate that 91% of species live under the water and its difficult to go in the depths of oceans that is why there are still many to be discovered to unfold the question.

No. 7: How gravity works?

Another question that science can't explain. We know gravity from the era of Newton. We know with how much force it attracts us, we also know what are the effects of the gravity, we know how every element has its gravity, but science doesn't know what gravity "is" in any fundamental way. Gravity is weak force and yet a strong force, meaning it has small magnitude but at the same time it is the force that causes the universe to stand. Gravity never ends it gets weaker and weaker but we don't where it becomes zero or we can say it never stops being effective no matter how far you go away from massive body.

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