Top 10 Types of Security Threats For Windows Users
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Windows is an operating system designed by Microsoft. Windows comes preloaded on most new personal computers (PCs), which helps to make it the most popular operating system in the world. Windows makes it possible to complete all types of everyday tasks on your computer. For example, you can use Windows to browse the Internet, check your email, edit digital photos, listen to music, play games, and do much more. Windows is also used in many offices because it gives you access to productivity tools such as calendars, word processors, and spreadsheets.
As it the most used operating system in the word it is also the target of the hackers. So, here are the Top 10 Types of Security threats For Windows Users.
Types of Security Threats
There are more security risks for your computer than just the common, average virus. The amount of digital use the average person has over the course of a week has increased significantly in just a few years, and with it comes a legion of security related issues. This isn't a definitive list of the possible threats available for the Windows user but here are ten modern risks that you face every time you power up your PC.
01. Viruses
A computer virus is a malicious piece of computer code designed to spread from device to device. Viruses have been around for as long as computers. They've moved on from simply displaying the name of the coder on the monitor, a kind of virtual vandalism, and now can disable and wipe the data off a hard drive in mere seconds.02. Ransomware
Ransomware is a form of malware designed to encrypt files on a device, rendering any files and the systems that rely on them unusable. In early 2017, the UK was gripped in the clutches of the WannaCry ransomware infection. This particular infection exploited a vulnerability in Windows, and quickly spread throughout the NHS and other organizations, locking and encrypting the data on a computer until money was sent to those who unleashed it to the world.
03. Worms
Although a worm is a type of virus, it behaves differently in that it's goal isn't to alter or destroy system files. Rather, it's designed to replicate itself continuously until all the resources and space on the system are consumed. A bit of a nightmare for the system administrator.04. Trojans
The Trojan horse, as the name suggests, is a program that masquerades as a legitimate application but in actual fact contains code that allows a hacker remote access to your computer. Like the legend of the wooden horse the Greeks used to gain access to Troy, once inside your computer it opens and creates an opening for the hacker.05. Spyware
Spyware invades computers usually through freeware or shareware downloads, which is why you should always download a program from a reputable source. The intent of spyware is to collect information about the user and report it back to those who wrote it.06. Adware
Adware is very similar to spyware, in that one of its goals is to monitor the user. However, adware usually goes one step further and bombards the user with Internet pop-up advertising, usually when they open their browser or a new tab. The advertising can be tame, such as gardening equipment, or it can be extremely offensive.07. Hacking
While Hollywood would have you visualize the lifestyle of a hacker as something that's quite alluring, in truth it's quite the opposite. The average user is generally under the radar where a hacker is concerned. They're mostly after the corporations, or famous people, but you can have your computer hacked by a neighbor, for example.08. Social Engineering
A relatively modern term in the history of computer security, social engineering will have the user deceived into giving away personal information or allowing a scammer into their systems. The recent spate of calls from people claiming to be from the likes of Microsoft or a security firm are a prime example.09. Phishing
Much in the same vein as social engineering, phishing is the act of obtaining sensitive information (bank details usually) about a user by being disguised as a trustworthy source. Phishing on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. is on the rise.10. Rootkits
Rootkits are virus-like programs that are activated before the computer's anti-virus and security suites are started when booting Windows. They can change the way a security suite looks at files, allowing a virus to hide in plain sight and not be detected by the system's security measures. You May Also Like:
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