How Hypersonic Vehicle Works - How It Works

hypersonic vehicle, bhai loog

Blink and you'll miss them, but you'll definitely hear them. Hypersonic aircraft may look similar to the jet planes we're familiar with, but these engineering marvels are completely different beasts. Able to attain speeds that would literally tear conventional passenger jet apart, hypersonic aircraft possess unique engines, are built from advanced materials and are packed full of intelligent tech. 

So just how fast are hypersonic jets? By definition, supersonic vehicle can move faster than the speed of sound or Mach 1- which is 1,235 kilometers per hour, or 343 meters per second. But to be classed as hypersonic, planes must fly at least five times this speed 6,175 kilometers per hour, or 1,713 meters per second. And their speed isn't limited to Mach 5; that's just the beginning. 

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