How Wi-Fi Works - How It Works
Wi-Fi was created in the 90s. Now many years have passed and many people don’t really know what Wi-Fi is or how it works. Most of us just associate it with being internet, but that’s not entirely correct. Yes, Wi-Fi devices supply internet access but they are not the internet.
Invention Of Wi-Fi
Did you know that How Wi-Fi was invented? An Australian scientist, John O’Sullivan, wanted to prove one of Stephen Hawking's black hole theories correct. He and his team were developing a tool that could identify and filter specific radio waves. Unfortunately, the tool they created didn't help in finding black hole radio waves. Fast-forward a few years, John O’Sullivan was working for the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization). His project was to find a way for computers to communicate wirelessly. He went back to his “failed invention” changed and tweaked it. Thanks to John O’Sullivan and his team, Wi-Fi was invented.